What does sustainable development mean? It’s more than a buzzword — it’s a philosophy that guides all the work we do.
Sustainable development means creating buildings that serve the needs of people today, but don’t take away from future generations. It means preserving our ever-diminishing green spaces. It also means designing developments so that the people who live and work in them are influenced to make more sustainable lifestyle choices.
We’re passionate about designing developments that build community. Our developments place emphasis on walkable neighbourhoods and empowering people to use active transportation. We have delivered developments that leverage density while maintaining a small footprint — meaning that we can house more people and preserve natural spaces without compromising on quality.
We strongly believe in the benefits of mixed-use buildings. If people living in a building are just an elevator ride away from their shopping needs it creates a sense of community all within one development area. It also creates opportunities for local entrepreneurs and small business owners to start up unique businesses that can’t be found anywhere else.
Sustainability is the premier principle that guides our work but we understand that sustainability means something different to everyone — especially long-time residents who may oppose new developments in their area. We have the experience and the expertise to conduct meaningful engagement with existing neighbourhoods to make sure we get our developments right. Everything we create is designed to complement the existing neighbourhood, improve local amenities and enhance the community wherever possible.
All of this work is key to making sure that a building has the same impact on liveability after 20 years that it has the first day it opens.